At Affinity, we are constantly striving to better educate the marketplace not only about our clients' trademark rights, but also to highlight those vendors that have shown integrity in becoming licensed. A key tool our clients use in educating their members on exactly who their vendors are is the online Affinity Licensed Product seal (formerly Official Licensed Product).
Each seal comes with a certification that every Greek product featured on your website is of high quality and meets the values and standards of the organization it represents. Given the effectiveness and powerful message behind the seal, we have made it free for all licensed vendors to access. The digital version of the seal can be downloaded from the labels section of the Gateway. In order to give vendors an Affinity Licensed Product seal that matches the unique style of their website, we offer four variations: color, grayscale, black, and white.
The seal should be displayed in association with our clients' marks, whether that is on the banner or footer of your website, or as a secondary image with the product listing. We kindly ask that the seal not be altered or distorted in any way from its original format.
We hope to make the education of licensing to your customers as effective and streamlined as possible. If at any point in time you should have questions regarding the use of the seal, we encourage you to reach out to our labeling compliance team: