Since 2004, Zeta Tau Alpha has distributed over 19 Million “ZTA THINK PINK®” ribbons, spreading breast cancer awareness and support for those affected by the disease. What many people do not realize, is that the superscripted R following the phrase indicates the federally registered trademark status of THINK PINK®.
Belonging to Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation (a 501(c)(3) charitable organization who supports the Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity) the THINK PINK® trademark represents a philanthropic effort to further breast cancer education and awareness. In order for Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation to accomplish their very noble goals with respect to breast cancer research, they have and continue to maintain control over their intellectual property, THINK PINK®. Affinity has been retained by the foundation to help protect their ownership of THINK PINK®, as this protection enables them to conduct successful fundraising and awareness campaigns.
Like any other trademark, THINK PINK® must be actively managed in order to remain distinct and protectable. Because of this, use of THINK PINK® must be authorized through a license agreement with Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation when in association with the following:
- Charitable fundraising by means of organizing and conducting special events
- Charitable services, namely, organizing fundraising services and events to raise funds in the field of breast cancer awareness, education, and research
- Educational services pertaining to breast cancer awareness, facts, and statistics relating to breast cancer awareness and self examination instruction
We applaud the well-intended efforts or any individual or company wishing to raise money for such a worthy cause, and on Zeta Tau Alpha's behalf, we would be happy to discuss with you the terms for obtaining authorization to use the mark.
Please contact us through if you are interested in using THINK PINK®.